
Serial module provides read and write access to serial port.

You may have to free your serial port.


Use GET to read and POST to set serial port baud rate. Baud rate is in JSON number format.

Only standard baud rates seem to work: 50, 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19 200, 38 400, 57 600, 115 200.


Use GET to read any data currently in serial port buffer, and POST to write a string to serial port. Data is in JSON string format.


For accessing Serial WebSocket interface connect to serial/ws with $.rpijs.websocket().

The server broadcasts serial input when message is received. The message is in JSON string format.

You cannot send data to serial port with WebSocket connection, use POST to /serial/port.

Note: You cannot use GET on /serial/port at the same time as WebSocket. GET request will disable interrupts on serial port and WebSocket connection will stop working.

Example message:
